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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

humana health insurance

General Insurance Company Of America
Life insurance companies are the most profitable businesses these days. Moreover, companies selling policies are among the most influential corporations in the world.
These well-known and biggest companies provide affordable policies that benefit consumers. Economical stability of the insurance industry helps these companies to make the most of the consumers' money with an attractive cash return.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife), Transamerica Occidental and American General Insurance Company (AIG) are some of the recognizable brands in the United States. These companies deal mostly with life insurance. They handle both term and whole life insurance policies in an easy and comfortable manner.
Details on These Giants:
All the biggest companies work with similar principles. They provide life coverage policies to fulfill the needs of the customers. However, they differ in their coverage plans and terms.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company offers definite service factors, simple policy administration and reliable operations. They offer the best solution and service, in case of financial planning. MetLife handles $2 trillion worth of policies and therefore, is considered as one of the biggest insurer in the United States. MetLife provides financial holding with a countrywide-chartered bank.
MetLife also offers services in Asia and Europe, and serves customers as a part of Reinsurance Group of America. In 2005, MetLife received the certification of biggest life insurer in the United States, with the implementation of traveler's life and allowance group. MetLife offers both term and whole life policies at a cheap rate and avoids rider. Check Internet #1 General Insurance Company Of America right now!
According to the press releases, American General insurance Company is another of the biggest insurance company in the United States. The company is a worldwide leader in financial service that deals with insurance, retirement planning and investment. This company is spread internationally all over Asia, North America, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, as AIG (American International Group).
AIG provides savings on life policies at affordable rates. Online quotes offer an effortless and hassle free shopping option to their customers. AIG plans include term life, whole life and universal life insurance coverage. However, their term life policy is the most widely used as compared to others.
The Transamerica Corporation is the parent firm of various life insurance and investment companies. Among these firms, Transamerica Occidental Life is the biggest insurer. They also handle affordable policies, including term, whole and universal.

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