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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

mississippi car insurance

The insurance industry in the UAE is developing day by day. Government's decision to permit the foreign countries to invest in the UAE made a very positive impact on the UAE insurance industry. According to the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 91 percent of the UAE insurance companies are located in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. Among them 56 percent are nationally owned companies, 6.7 percent are owned by other Arab countries, 16.2 are owned by foreign corporations and the remaining ones are the joint projects of the national and foreign investors. These companies have excellent and speedy mechanism and they offer Dubai health insurance, life insurance Dubai, motor insurance UAE, etc.
Following are three actively working Dubai insurance companies.
Alliance Insurance: It was established in the year 1975 to meet the requirements of expanding region. It offers exclusive expertise in risk management and financial services. At present, more than thirty years experience, the company has its fair place as one of the leading composite companies not online in Dubai, but in the United Arab Emirates as well.
Alliance provides a complete range of life and general insurance products and services.
It mainly offers its services in fire, engineering, motor liability, marine and aviation, and miscellaneous accident insurance. Alliance is one of those companies which offer the best Dubai health insurance service.
Dubai National Insurance & Reinsurance: Dubai National Insurance & Reinsurance is one of the top insurance companies in Dubai. This is a public shareholding corporation with a paid up capital of AED 100 Million. It was established on January 01, 1992 with collaboration and assistance of many domestic shareholders and prominent local businessmen. Today, Dubai National Insurance & Reinsurance is considered as one of the top national insurers providing a wide range of its products and services to important clients from different fields all over the UAE.
DNIR has a wide range of unique services to ensemble the necessities of every individual and corporations.
For individuals, it offers health, motor, accident, and liability insurance. It offers the best services in life insurance Dubai and motor insurance UAE.
For corporations, it offers Group life and medical, accident and liability, engineering, motor, marine and the property insurance.
National General Insurance Company: National General Insurance Company was established in the year 1996, and it is located in Dubai which is the economic and business capital of the region. This company is considered a fully accredited National Insurer. The Company is publicly famous and listed in the Dubai Financial Market.
It offers many services for its individual and corporate clients.
It offers one of the best motor insurance UAE for the individuals, and it also provides the services in the travel, personal accident, householder's comprehensive, health and life insurance.
National General Insurance Company has a wide range of the services to offer to the corporations, and their services are comprised of the property insurance, engineering, money, health, group life insurance, medical malpractice, fidelity guarantee, credit, marine, causality and many other types of the services.

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