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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

affordable car insurance free online quotes

General Insurance Company Of America Seattle Wa
It's a fact - collisions are the number one cause of death in the United States for people age 4 to 35. There are almost 20 million car collisions each year, so if you haven't been involved in a collision yet, the odds are definitely stacking up against you.
By way of background, I am a personal injury attorney practicing in Seattle, Washington for over 17 years. I invented an online tool that helps people organize and settle their claim, as well as an injury claim calculator for the Better Business Bureau Video Series. I also wrote and co-produced a national DVD program for the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
Most people don't know their rights when it comes to car accidents. Even worse, many insurance companies have built their reputation trying to pay as little as possible to people who have been injured. To be sure, not all insurance companies are the same. But no insurance company hands out awards to adjusters for paying injured claimants more money.
Through these 6 articles, I am going to teach you how to get the compensation you deserve. We'll start off with what you should know before the accident (i.e. your insurance coverage), then later articles will tackle what you should know during and after a collision.
What insurance coverage do I have?
It's critical to know what your own insurance policy covers now, before you've been in a collision. Most people don't even read their own auto policy until they've been in an accident. By then, it may be too late. Pull out your own insurance policy now and follow along while I explain the most common coverage options.
A. Liability
Liability, the basic coverage required by many states, provides you with protection against property or bodily injury damage you cause. Check Internet #1 General Insurance Company Of America right now!
Coverage is generally provided not only for you, but also for family members who live in your household. People who drive your car with your permission may also be covered.
Typically, you're also protected when you use a vehicle you don't own (for example, if you borrow a friend's car).
This part is very important. Your insurance policy has a dollar limit, known as your "policy limits." For example, Washington State has minimum liability requirements of $25,000; however, depending on your assets, you may want to consider purchasing more protection. Policy limits work like this - if, for example, your limits are $25,000, and you cause $75,000 worth of damage, your carrier will pay the first $25,000 of damages and you will be personally responsible for the additional $50,000. This is why it's critical to have insurance policy limits that you're comfortable with.
These are general guidelines. Make sure to read your entire policy for any exclusions or situations that your policy does not cover.

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