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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

assurant health insurance

One of the most important things that have launched Progressive Insurance Company to the top of the insurance ladder is their website. In the year 1995 when the Internet was just starting to gain popularity among companies around the United States, Progressive was the first insurance company to launch a website. Although at first it was only composed of only information, it soon became more interactive and the company started gaining customers. Check Internet #1 Erie Insurance Agent Locator
Nowadays, the automobile insurance company prides itself in having one of the best websites in the industry. Some of the features that a customer can find in a Progressive website include a policy and service management section where policyholders can log in to make payments, update their policies, etc. The company also has a direct rate ticker that allows you to see the rate given to you if you are a potential customer, alongside rates of other companies and an online claims reporting. Since customer service is one of the most important things for the company, they also have an agent locator and a part of the website called "Talk to Me" which allows customers who have a question about their quote; to talk to a customer service representative from the company so that their doubts can be clarified.
Like every other company, Progressive has a series of discounts that allow its customers to save some money. The E-sign discount is designed for customers that sign and enroll through the Progressive website, to save $50 instantaneously and the pay in full discount allows a member to pay the entire rate in a single lump, which can end up saving them over 10% of the actual price. Other discounts include but are not limited to good student, more than one car in one policy and good driver discount. Since discounts can also vary by the state that you are in it is important for you to call your Progressive Insurance Agent or contact your local office for more information.
Other features offered if you decide to become a Progressive member are total loss replacement (in case you total your car after an accident), accident forgiveness (which allows the customer to lock in the rate and evade rising rates after an unexpected crash) and online/phone support through text messages, your cell or the internet. Last but not least it is important to discuss the options that premium members (those who pay a little bit more annually) have. Those customers have superior claims service that allows them to just drop off their car right after the crash and immediate response vehicles that show up as soon as you get into a car wreck.
Progressive will continue to grow if they keep providing their customers many different options in coverage, discounts and deductibles. The innovative company that once was started by two lawyers in search for a good way to start their careers now has become one of the best automobile insurance companies in the United States. Check Internet #1 Erie Insurance Agent Locator.

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