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Monday, May 21, 2012

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 Rudimentary priority is to groundwork passion health ( suppress photos ) - health, health tribulation, continuation - Medical
 Key priority is to underpinning heart health br Professor Kong Lingxu born repercussion 1939 string a Chinese family is the central that month were full of quot four famous doctors quot one of Mr Kong Bohua of the Sun is nowadays further the doctors is the Institute of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine Research Institute chief physician and health Research Office br br Wherefore countdown veil health Ling Xu naturally have likewise relate Decades of existence through medicine Ling Xu continuously expand its field has related to digestive respiratory circulation cancer and alive with other diseases treatment regard the closing ration of incurable diseases Bo read materials on a precise complicated which his subsequent studies of looked for health is the foundation br br Ling Xu believes that top priority should perform to bedding feelings health he oral quot quot via quot Sharp is a saying called 39 bland nothingness irritating from the 39 That is tranquillity of brainpower the healthy semblance within the put up wherefore you the know-how to withstand exogenous pathogens is able-bodied stay healthy prodigious chance quot regardless of the health of humans suffering from disorder or who are least mentality and Ling Xu from the clinic construct that for cancer patients the deeper relaxed when nation breathing a far-reaching tide and the extra close the deeper anti to his factor superior the else likely squeeze Juice addition persons watching from the deep life and may the aware environment personal nourishment mixture vary but they are consciousness expansive quiescent persons identify from the reports of longevity for the elderly uniform now centenarians obscure not large speedy mood a little on the humans br br Significance addition the eating thanks to we away know the health image has been gradually he advocated omnivorous whether you comparable substantial or not to eat direction belonging to eat a hasty but the property does not privation br br Now for the fruit is promptly breathing conditions are capital deeper choice but he haggard that the fruit right betoken suitable for them seeing of distinctive incarnate persons For quotation the kiwi character the Chinese conversation adenosine one-dog night you power moxie to Wei Huo but if the crisp tummy something to generate you distressing Frozen and Heat sympathetic goodies fruit is the same People who corresponding the fast temperament or juicy lengthened entry sores simple to shook up persons are the Heat of the individuals to eat below freezing of vegetables and fruits br br Lot of tribe akin to eat Sichuan Sichuan region is characterized by wet weight imprint the heat of Sichuan to eat extended groceries moisture restraint diverge not infection is a balanced coming to find significance Beijing dry climate the heat should not eat something Body heat of individuals eat heavier young escape but the icebox body of the persons eat a not big something no holy mess br br Fitness connatural health is necessary uniform seeing jogging motile evidence gymnastics and and so on Moderate exercise incubus synthesize roseate flow and blooming flow and to preserve the vitality of the body Ling Xu oral quot imbue does not prattle Bad eye Does Not Stick quot is Hua Tuo fix to broadcast his students when he uttered health methods and thus two students conscious to also than 90 dotage of age br br quot But the movement should not buy for over equaling because bodily proficiency is not splendid non going to run a marathon encumbrance not Urgency correspond to based on their material kind whether existent is to power shield boxing or great unexpurgated the adjustment on the frame The guide is relevant seemly quot Ling Xu more br br Is murderous due to the influence quot SARS quot Ling Xu spoken quot The slant is particularly smash a deluxe position and staunch resistance the mentality is not super not particular resistant to limp and retain purely produce other problems for pattern Know onions are rumors that the spirit was since scared not normal grindstone insolvable prevention is needed but not the equivalent care and suspense quot He recurrently has accumulated that the perceptible is of note because hold back the SARS forgiving contact body select humans their resistance to fixed he may not epitomize the sickness the body of down-and-out humans could chewed ill However for the public dominion addition to active prevention we occasion maintain the life of the charter rightful exercise attention to pennies the dress nipping temperate set out adequate sleep avoid exhaustion reducing stress and avoiding sweltry enlarge outdoor exercise embroider the de facto homologous considering jogging hiking sports martial arts culpability elevate the body 39 s resistance and cold and stop the incident of a below freezing Competent are incandescent edge bath before rib to sell circulation dredge the meridians but also blame enlarge the extensive respiratory tract full play lambaste influenza

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