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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

cobra health insurance

Deductibles ? The higher you raise your deductibles the lower the premium will be. It also means more out of pocket expense if an accident was to occur.
Accident Free
Good Student
Vehicle Restraints
Long Term Customer
Safe Driver
Good Credit
Finally make sure you know what is actually in your coverage. The following is a breakdown of your coverage:
Liability ? Pays others ? including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians- for covered damages you become legally liable for due to an auto accident.
Uninsured Motorist ? Provides bodily injury coverage for accidents caused by hit-and-run driver or underinsured driver which occur when you or your family are driving a covered auto, or while you are a pedestrian.
Underinsured Motorist ? Pays for damages you are legally entitled to recover from another party when that persons liability insurance is not adequate to cover your loss.
Medical Expenses ? Pays reasonable medical expense for you and members of your family, if you are injured in an auto accident, or as a pedestrian struck by an auto. This protection also covers passengers who are injured in your auto.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) ? Provides coverage for injury, death, loss of services, and loss of income suffered by you, your covered passengers, or covered family members. Required in the State of Florida
Collision ? Protects you from losses resulting from damages to your auto due to collision with another object, i.e. another auto, property, tree, pole, etc.
Comprehension ? Pays for losses to your auto, including losses caused by fire, theft, glass breakage, falling objects, natural disasters, colliding with an animal, and vandalism.

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